Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter Sunday 2020

He is risen...He is risen indeed!  That is the way many worship services start all over the world, in many different languages and in different ways.  But today, we say that via text message and WhatsApp.  Today we are sheltering in place, while sickness and death circle the globe.  A pandemic.  This time of separation came amidst a time of bigger separation in the United States.  A tidal wave of separation fueled by fear and rage.    Misinformation, racism, trauma, and inequality.  Wounds that have gone deep and created so many divides. What can my response be?  It has to be one of reconciliation. One on one.  Honoring the life journey of others.  Speaking truth to falsehood.  Listening with compassion and empathy.  Offering help. 
Just so you know, I don't always do that.  I too get caught in pain and separation.  I have doubts.  I feel overwhelmed.  I struggle to be able to rest and be still.  I struggle with unknowing.  Some call it "faith deconstruction".  I call it a journey to mystery.   A journey to resurrection. 
May you know love today and be love to someone who needs it.