Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Less than a month to go...

As I prepare to go to Uganda, one of the things I am doing is starting a photo album.  I have been scrap booking off and on for a number of years.  I am not really passionate about it, but I do enjoy it.  This photo album will be small and will be just photos with a small place for a written description.  The album holds 100 photos.  My dilemma is how do you reduce a life of 51 years to less than 100 photos.  Seems easy but it actually is difficult.  I have baby pictures of me and all of my kids, pictures of my wedding and pictures of my friends.  But if pictures were the only way to describe your life what would they look like for you?  I am finding then terribly inadequate and my memory that way as well! ha  When was this photo taken and who is that person?  Wish me luck as I narrow down the boxes of photos to only 100 and make a coherent story.
I am all moved in to my little house in Phoenix.  Please pray that the house in Cave Creek sells quickly.  I am looking forward to the weekend of November 26-28.  I will have all of my kids with me again and that will be my last weekend at Moon Valley.  I have packed most of my things to go and only need to purchase a few items.  One of my goals is to have clothing and shoes that I can readily give away.  So I have been shopping at my usual suspects of thrift stores.  I have found some excellent buys on shoes and outfits.  I also have found lots of games and crafts to bring and I am looking for roller blades to bring to the boys too.
Here is the picture from my prayer card.  I will be sending those out to soon.  Thank you all for your prayers and support. GJ

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