Friday, December 30, 2011

Social Justice is messy!

Here is my email that I sent to my family and friends after my first trip to Mexico City.  It is a blessing to be home, but what a rollercoaster of emotions.  As
many of you know the boys will be moving soon, DEC 1!!!!, to the
village of Bombo.  Abby and David have worked for several years saving
the money, looking and now building what will be the permanent home of
API.  A labor of love.  Several people warned me that not all of the
boys would want to move to the land.  So before I left I tentatively
asked Abby, "What will you do if a boy runs away?"  "Bring him back
home of course!  So I left her and began to pray that I would not have
to face that situation.  On the day before I left, a boy ran away.
Abby talked with him, David talked with him, Alex talked with him.
But he refused to come back.  Why?  Here is where it gets really
messy.  Both of his parents were killed in the area around Bombo.
Trauma.  So my heart broke some more.  I then went to a conference in
Mexico about healing from trauma.  Trauma victims do not make rational
decisions, much less little boys.  How can something so very right,
moving to a village away from the slum, with gardens and animals and
flowers be a bad decision or be seen as a bad decision by the person
it is designed to help?  Before you make any decisions here is another
situation that I saw firsthand.  Is it wrong to not allow drug use in
a hospital or a hospice situation?  No, of course not. Then I met
Elisa, a 20 year old drug addicted woman dying alone, dirty and sick
from HIV, refusing to give up her drugs and choosing to stay on the
street instead of being in a hospital.  Well that is her choice.
Hmmmmm, yes but wait, she witnessed the brutal murder of her mother by
her father and was herself abused.  She left home at 12. moved to
Mexico City ended up on the street with all that is involved with
that.  Her choice? mmmm  Now it seems messy.  The truth is that being
just and doing what is right is hard messy work.  Work I am loving and
hating at the same time.  Getting back to the boy, to make matters
worse for him, he tried to poison his grandmother in the village.
Those of you that know me well, know I like to fix things.  Well there
is no easy fix for this one.  Can this little boy still come "home"
with us to API?  Yes, but we can not make him.  And more pointedly, I
can not make him.  I have no legal right to make him do something that
he refuses to do. I didn't even get all of the answers from experts in
the field.  Abby and David are doing everything they can to encourage
this boy to come back.  He comes to the street programs sometimes and
he is back to living in the slum Kivulu.  When I saw Elisa a Mexican
doctor was trying to wash her matted hair with lice rid shampoo and
she was refusing that too.  The doctor told me that they had taken her
to the hospice unit of the hospital twice and she had always run away.
 They could not make her stay.  So Blanca one of our team members
gently washed her hair and talked to her.  We gave her a blanket.  I
tried to feed her.  In the end, Blanca got lice and Elisa was still
alone on the street. Had she felt the love we had for her?  The love
that Christ has for her?  When I see this little boy, I will join Abby
and David in trying to love him back home.  Messy business.  I opened
my heart to these boys and got it broken, not by them, but by the
broken, messy world that we all live in. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
Even as I yelled at God and cried many tears, life went on.  Abby and
David adopted two more boys, boys that hopefully find a shelter in the
storm in the API family at home in Bombo.  Dec.1-4, I will go back to
Mexico with Blanca to teach the first group of leaders how to use
Mending the Soul to heal from trauma and abuse.  We will go and visit
the street kids and bring them Christmas stockings.  If Elisa is still
alive, Blanca will love on her some more and I will do my best to get
out of "must fix the world" self and love her as well.  December 29 I
will land in Uganda once again.  Abby and David will be back here
telling many stories, seeing family and resting.  I will have the
awesome opportunity to love on those kids again!  Those women again!
Lord please help me to not be consumed in fixing, but on serving,
loving and empowering.
For more information on Social Justice, but no neat tidy little
answers, I encourage you to read: When Helping Hurts, Mending the
Soul, The Wounded Heart, and check out Bob Kerry's last four messages
Thank you all for praying for me and the entire ministry of API.  It
really is worth the mess

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