Friday, July 13, 2012

Educating Gina

So I have been back in the USA for just over 2 months.  I have been employed now for 7 weeks and today is Friday the 13th.  Not much connection there, just trivia.  My job has been a wonderful and yet heartbreaking learning experience.  Most of you know that I am a mentor for children and teens with a great agency that really cares about kids.  Some of the kids are starting to open up to me and as they do my heart breaks for them.  The abuse and abandonment.  The betrayal and the trauma. The anger and fear.   But even within that there are smiles and hugs and signs of hope.  You can read all you want to about children in crisis, and even after my own childhood of dads, men, alcohol, poverty and neglect I had to see it through their eyes to appreciate it.  The sight is not pretty.  It is adults behaving badly and the organic effects of a fallen world.  Come Lord Jesus!  No I am not a fatalist, I actually think my cup is usually more than 1/2 full but I still long for Jesus to come and make it right again.  Until then I am glad there ARE people who care.
I am scared to death about starting school t ASU this fall.  Those people are really smart and really passionate, and I wonder if I can keep up.  So I got my reading list and it is filled with books addressing social justice issues.  I am currently reading The Activist's Handbook and two other books for work:  The Changing Behavior Book and Everything is NORMAL Until Proven Otherwise.  All interesting and very challenging.  None are books to fall asleep to.  But I can't read all of the time and my real weakness is TV and movies.  I get talked into going with one of the teenagers I mentor to Prometheus.  Ummm yeah...scary and yucky.  At home I can't get Netflix, no internet, and I am almost out of reruns of my favorite shows.  So I decided to start watching documentaries.  I have been going to the five storied main branch of the Phoenix Public Library where the collection of non-fiction videos is huge.  I have seen four documentaries so far.  Today I was able to get one that I have been waiting for, for the last two weeks.  One Small Act.  SO VERY MUCH WORTH THE WAIT.  Watch this video.  It will inspire you and encourage you.  I also saw Waiting for Superman and The Interrupters.  Both in the top three documentaries for their years of release.  Watch them too if you get a chance.
I am expecting my friend Amanda to come and visit us here in Phoenix and I am trying to set up speaking arrangements or jewelry selling opportunities for her.  If you are interested give me a call.  Her organization, Lot 2545, takes teen aged boys off the street in Uganda and gives them a second chance.  She needs prayer partners, sponsors for the boys, and just support in general.
That is the tie in for all of these thoughts.  I would like to encourage everyone reading this blog to take to heart the idea of really loving other people.  Love just one today.  Make a commitment to educate yourself about the real lives of other people and then don't be afraid to get involved.  If you don't know what to do or say...find out.  Lifelong learners are usually the happiest people.  Share that happiness with a hurting world.  Live social justice everyday.  I truly believe that Jesus did.  True social justice is never without the Gospel, although many try to share the Truth without justice.  Don't be one of them my friends.
Some blogs are funny, some are full of pointers or instructions.  Mine is well...sort of like reading a letter from me or sitting down with me with a cup of coffee.  Sort of rambling but hopefully makes you think a little.  So send me your best books and best movies.  I would love to hear about what you are experiencing too.
May God richly bless you my beloved.   -Gina Jaye-

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