Monday, June 11, 2012

New Beginnings

I have now been back in the US for just over a month.  I finished my first week of work.  It is amazing to me how events in my life come together to make sense.  You would think that after all this time I would be used to how God makes it all work.  But nope, still in awe!  My job is direct support of families.  I work in the behavioral health field.  I am a mentor for families that have experienced trauma and abuse along with organic issues that cause behavioral issues.  The biggest problem I am having so far is trust.  The agency expects me to leap right in (understandably...since I am getting paid for this) but the families don't know me or trust me.  So I feel like I am taking baby steps with them, encouraging them, looking for causes for celebration, and trying to let them know that I do care about them along with intervention.   The agency told me I would hear a lot of swearing and so far they are right.  So my new mantra is a "a soft answer turns away wrath."  I wonder what it would have been like to have a person like me present in my home when my children and I were in the middle of it.  When Jeff was working three part time jobs, I was working one part time job and we had three children six and under.  A person who is paid to be calm and to help you look for alternatives to bad behaviors.  Would I have liked it or would I have resented it?  Not sure...probably both depending on the day.  So I am dancing with these families.  It certainly makes me long for extended families for these folks.  I also have no biological extended family close by.  My faith family makes all of the difference in the world.  But I don't remember sharing with too many people when I was hurting the most. Hmmmm.  Listen  (or read) to the words of Lean on Me.
Lean on me
When you're not strong
I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
for it wont be long
till I'm going to need
somebody to lean on
please swallow your pride
if I have faith that you need to borrow
For no-one can fill
those your needs
that you won't let show
just call on me brother when you need a hand...

Church, let's be that place where the hurting can find help.  Not because we have ALL of the answers but because we are ALL honest with our hurts and suffering, without passing judgement.  We cry together and laugh together.  That is a journey that I want to be on!


Sabby Sanchez said...

So thankful for your willingness to share :) Will be praying for trust and understanding from the families you are beginning relationships with! You're awesome, and God is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for inspiring me as I embark on a reluctant journey of my own. You encourage me to press on toward the goal.