Monday, August 23, 2010

I bought a house

I bought a new house. Well actually it is an older house. Sort of plain and simple but it feels good. I am supposed to close by September 8, 2010. I bought new tile for it as well. It is a three bedroom two bath small home, just over one half of the size of my current home. Very bittersweet. Most of you know that I did NOT want to move to the house where I am now. Jeff insisted that we we did. It was a wreck. No air conditioning, no heating, in horrible condition and the property had piles of trash on it. But we remodelled and made it into what we wanted. I learned to love the quiet and enjoyed feeding the birds. It was truly Jeff's dream home. But now I am alone and the thought of maintaining a 2700 square foot home on an acre and a third is really overwhelming. Just this year I have struggled to get caught up on the maintenance that we let slide over the last five years. I had the garage finished and put in an electric garage door opener. I paid to have the property cleaned up three times, including the recent grading of the back of the property. I took down the fence and moved the shed. I had shelves installed in the closets. I have had to rent roll-off dumpsters twice. I took the paint sprayer to a shop and had it repaired and have now painted the garage. I should paint the outside of the house. It seems like every waking moment I am either at work or home "working" on my house. I don't want to live like that! So look out Phoenix here I come! I bought a 1500 square foot house on a regular sized lot. I am having new flooring and cabinets put in. I will get it painted. Then I will be able to have fun fixing up the yard. I will be ten minutes away from my kids. Here is the google street map view of the house:,+Phoenix&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=26+W+Oraibi+Dr,+Phoenix,+AZ+85027&gl=us&ei=KfhyTLmWL4X4sAPX99SLDQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBMQ8gEwAA

I told is a plain jane. I will miss the old house VERY much. All of the memories of Jeff and I fixing it up, all of the dinners and all of the fun! But I am trusting God for new memories and new fun. Please pray that I can sell or lease the other house. I will put photos on the blog when it is "really" mine. I love you all!

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