Saturday, July 30, 2011

Vacation in Rwanda-Genocide Memorials

Just a few thoughts from my time in Rwanda.  If you would rather not read about the genocide, I won't be offended if you stop right here and close this post.  No worries!  I have been looking forward to coming to Rwanda for over a year.  As a Believer, and a spoiled American it was easy for me to be lulled into thinking that people are basically good and that Christians are even better.  I knew somewhere in my heart that it wasn't true, but God always seems to need to use a 2 X 4 over the head with me to get my attention.  Going to the memorials yesterday was my 2 X 4.  I knew I needed it and I was right.  The UN claims that more than 800,000 people were killed in the main genocide that lasted roughly 100 days in 1994.  The Rwandans estimate that 3 million people were killed during the five years that led up to it and the years since.  I kept hearing in my head, "the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it"?  And that time clearly illustrates that.  These were not atheists or non-Christians killing Christians, this was Christians and Muslims killing Christians and Muslims, over race.  We went to the National museum first.  It contains a number of mass graves for 250,000 people with more remains placed there even this year.  It also has a museum with pictures and artifacts.  Next stop was the Ntarama site.  Here in the church over 600 people were killed. The skulls of many of the people are displayed on shelves behind the pews and in the children's church building (approximately 10 feet by 20 ft) there is still blood on the wall where they smashed the skills of the babies and children. You are not allowed to take pictures inside any of the buildings, but I will be posting on my facebook page some from the outside.  The last site was Nyamata.  Here in this church and in the area surrounding it 10,000 people were killed.  The church was packed with people, primarily women and children and old people, the men were outside trying to defend the church.  That is why so many were killed at that site.  They have left all of the clothing from the people in both churches on the pews in heaps.  Dirty bloodstained heaps.  At the Nyamata site they also have two mass burial grounds and one is an open crypt that you can enter and they have displayed the bones from all of the people who died inside of the church.  Mostly skulls and long bones.  I wrapped my fingers around one of the skulls and it was about the size of an eight to ten year-old. Sobering, the evil that Satan can do in and through our weak human flesh.  The worst part though was watching testimonials and reading the lasting effects of that 100 days.  Thousands of homes were burned, thousands of people were left maimed.  Thousands of women were raped.  Thousands off orphans were left. Millions of hearts were left broken. All because of sin.  The Rwandan government is working hard for racial reconciliation.  Those brave Believers who are working in Rwanda to bring Christ's love, forgiveness and healing need our prayer every day
What happened to make so many people easily remember the first part of the great commandment and yet forget the second part? On a personal level, do I forget that second part, to REALLY love my neighbor in the sphere of family, friends and "enemies" that God puts in my path?  I was reminded in a fresh way that loving God is easier than loving others, apart from His love.  I am not so different from the murderers in Rwanda.  I need Christ to fill me with His love every day and I need to submit to His will.  If I stay stay in Uganda for one more month or ten more years my job is really the same.  God may change the place where I am but my heart needs to be His every day.  
Thank you for praying for me,the staff, the women, the boys, and the street children.  God is using our hands and feet to Love others and to preach the Gospel.  I love you all.

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