Monday, September 28, 2009

May 9, 2009

Well we arrived safely in the Buckeye State. The flights were uneventful. Traveling with a wheelchair is a lot different! The weather is very nice here but dreary. Jeff told me it was a nice sunny day! HA! First of all I would like to say thank you for all of the support during this difficult time. We are overwhelmed by the outpouring of love. It really means so much to us. The doctors appointment on Thursday was a blur. The MRI showed very little growth in the tumor. The doctor was stumped by the dramatic increase in Jeff's symptoms. He guessed that it was microscopic changes. But he was unsure. The tumor has been growing up the brain stem from the right cerebellum to the left lobe of his cerebrum. But his symptoms are not those you would expect from growth in that area. They did see new growth at the site of the first area also. He told us that area could not be radiated again. The brain can not tolerate that much radiation. He did say that the upper region could be radiated. Jeff said no. Radiation for him was miserable. His doctor also talked about putting him on a chemo cocktail. No, not a Mai Tai, in cancer speak that means a mixture of drugs. This would be IV treatment once a week. A new drug was approved last month that has showed promise. But he did say that the tumor would eventually kill him. He did not know if the treatment would add any time to his life. If you have ever seen the TV show House our doctor is like that. He is brilliant, witty and just blurts out what ever is on his mind. Jeff told him he did not want to do the chemo really, but the doctor encouraged him to not give up. He called right then in front of us and put his case on the agenda for the weekly Tumor Board meeting at Barrows on Monday. We will know the board's recommendation on Tuesday or Wednesday. I have gained such new respect for cancer survivors. The choices for treatments range from nothing to chemo, to nutrition to Chinese medicine and the patient and their family has to make the best choice for THEIR family member. There is no magic pill. Scientists do not understand the connection between mind, soul and brain. Only God does. So although his doctor doesn't understand why, we rest secure in the fact that God does and He has a perfect plan. We are visiting with Jeff's mom and his cousins today. I know it will be a great time. I want to take a few sentences to say thank you to Jim and Vicki for getting us a wonderful hotel room here in Ohio! Thank you! And to my Liz and Josh, thank you, thank you, thank you for being willing to move in and help during this time. I love you all. And to my extended "family", thank you and God bless you. I will let you all know what the Tumor Board recommends

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