Monday, September 28, 2009

June 19, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009 10:24 PM, MST
We are back from the high country and we brought some cool weather back with us to Phoenix! Tonight we ate outside until it started to sprinkle. The trip to Flagstaff was nice but very hard on me emotionally. We went to the courthouse and got a copy of our marriage license and found out our REAL anniversary is May 18. We actually got married by the justice of the peace before our family wedding in June.We also wanted to check out the ramada in the park where we had our family wedding. Jeff didn't want to get out of the car so we just sat there for a few minutes. We drove by our old homes and ended our tour with a trip around Hart prairie on FS 151. We both know this will be our last trip here together. We had a very difficult time with Jeff's wheelchair in the restaurants and at the hotel. The trip was easier on the drive thanks to our friends Mike and Jackie who loaned us an suv. Vangie came to help too but by the end of the trip I was a basket-case. So the trip was nice but oh so bittersweet. We met the hospice doctor today and have all of the paperwork for Jeff's living will, medical power of attorney and end of life directives. The nurse and social worker asked us what our goals were and Jeff really had no specific goals other than to go home to be with the Lord as soon as possible. I was miserable inside, but it was nothing I didn't already know. He is sleeping more and having a very hard time swallowing without choking when eating. The hospice nurse ordered us a hospital bed with a trapeze so that he can get in and out of bed easier. I am so grateful for all of the e-mails and the notes on caring bridge to Jeff. I thank God for you all. Please pray that God's grace, peace and mercy would be felt by us all and shown through us during this time. We love you all!

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