Monday, September 28, 2009

July 26, 2009

Today is July 26,2009. Another week has begun. This week like them all, has had some really great highs and some pretty low lows. We had quite a few visitors including our pastor and his wife. They brought a yummy dinner and made us all laugh. BettyAnne came up as well as Pam. We also had a visit from some NCHS Band Boosters: Claudia and Gilbert. YEAH! Those times are truly the high point of our day. Everyone has been really considerate about making the visits short yet fun. We even watched a movie: Marley and Me. Gotta love popcorn and Hawaiian Punch, thanks BA. I went back to work a few days and that went pretty smooth. We also got some great news from Social Security. They have granted Jeff disability, which believe me is no small feat! His benefits will begin in October. We also were told that his short term disability ends in October. A God-ordained coincidence! Although this was good news for me it really upset Jeff since he does not want to be alive that long. Pastor Bob and Cathy told us a story about Bob helping to take care of a friend in his last year of life and how difficult it was, but how very important to Bob it was to go through the experience. Liz and I had a conversation along the same path. I am not going to say that if I had it all over to do again I would choose watching my husband die of cancer, but I know long after this is over, I will see God use it for some kind of good. Jeff had a nasty fall in the night this week and scared us all. He has been pretty depressed as well as he continues to loose the ability to speak and have some independence. I am struggling from lack of sleep and trying to be positive. Even so...come Lord Jesus. I have been walking with Elizabeth in the cool "Big Boxes" of Phoenix. You know...Loews, Home Depot, next on the list is Super Walmart. It is very hot here but she still needs to walk. I went to her appt. last Friday and the baby is doing well, they estimate her weight at 6 1/2 lbs. Maybe my next entry will include a baby picture. We have made arrangements to have a great photographer come to our house after the baby is born to take a family picture so that Jeff can be a part of that. We have all of the paperwork for Jeff's longterm disability filled out for the state and the doctor wrote the prescription for the text to speech device, so we will see! The picture this time is Jeff in the wheel chair before he got so weak and before it got so hot. He can't sit outside anymore. Only Maggie our Chihuahua is enjoying the heat!Please join me in continuing to pray for mercy and grace for our family. We love you all and appreciate ALL of the notes you have sent via Caringbridge.

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